46-1220. Same; transfer of records and property of Kansas legislativecouncil.The legislative research department shall succeed to all records of theexisting Kansas legislative council and shall also succeed to the filecabinets containing such records. The office of revisor of statutes shallsucceed to all property and records of the existing revisor of statutes,except records held by the revisor of statutes as secretary of the Kansaslegislative council. The office of revisor of statutes shall succeed to theequipment of the Kansas legislative council located in the office ofrevisor of statutes, except the file cabinets mentioned above. Any conflictas to the proper disposition of such property or records arising under thissection, and resulting from the reorganization under this act, shall bedetermined by the legislative coordinating council.
History: L. 1971, ch. 184, § 20; May 1.