46-1604. Joint committee on economic development; membership; terms;officers; meetings.(a) There is hereby created the jointcommittee on economic development which shall be composed of five senatorsand eight members of the house of representatives. The five senate membersshall be the chairperson of the standing committee oncommerce of the senate, or a member of such committee appointed by thechairperson,two members of such committee appointed by the president and two members ofsuch committee appointed by the minority leader. The eight representativemembers shall be the chairperson of the standing committee on economicdevelopment of the house of representatives, or a member of such committeeappointed by the chairperson, four members of such committee appointed bythe speaker and three members of such committee appointed by the minorityleader.
(b) All members of the joint committee on economic development shallserve for terms ending on the first day of the regular legislative sessionin odd-numbered years. Thechairperson and vice-chairperson serving on the effective date of this act willcontinue to serve in such capacities through June 30, 1998. On and after July1, 1998, and until the first day of the 1999 regular legislative session, thechairperson shall be one of the senate members of the joint committee selectedby the president and the vice-chairperson shall be one of the representativemembers selected by the speaker. Thereafter, onand after the first day of the regular legislative session in odd-numberedyears, the chairpersonshall be one of the representative members of the joint committee selectedby the speaker and the vice-chairperson shall be one of the senate membersselected by the president and, on andafter the first day of the regular legislative session in even-numberedyears,thechairperson shall be one of the senate members of the joint committeeselected by the president and the vice-chairperson shall be one of therepresentative members of the joint committee selected by the speaker. Thechairperson and vice-chairperson of the joint committee shall serve in suchcapacities until the first day of the regular legislativesession in the ensuing year. The vice-chairperson shallexercise all of the powers of the chairperson in the absence of thechairperson.
(c) The joint committee on economic development may meet at any time andat any place within the state on the call of the chairperson.
(d) The provisions of the acts contained in article 12 of chapter 46 ofthe Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, applicable tospecial committees shall apply to the joint committee on economicdevelopment to the extent that the same do not conflict with the specificprovisions of this act applicable to the joint committee.
(e) In accordance with K.S.A. 46-1204 and amendments thereto, thelegislative coordinating council may provide for such professional servicesas may be requested by the joint committee on economic development.
(f) The joint committee on economic development may introduce suchlegislation as it deems necessary in performing its functions.
History: L. 1986, ch. 194, § 4;L. 1993, ch. 136, § 3;L. 1998, ch. 182, § 22; May 21.