46-2101. Establishment of joint committee.(a) There is hereby established the joint committee oninformation technology which shall bewithin the legislative branchof state government and which shall be composed offivemembers of the senate andfive members of the house of representatives. Two ofthe senate members shall beappointed by the president of the senate, two of the senatemembers shall beappointed by the minority leader of the senate and one of the senate membersshall be appointed by the chairperson of the committee on ways and means of thesenate. Two of the representativemembers shall be appointed by the speaker of the house ofrepresentatives, two of the representative members shall beappointed bythe minority leader of the house of representatives and one of therepresentative members shall be appointed by the chairperson of the committeeon appropriations of the house of representatives.The members of the joint committee on information technology and thechairperson and vice-chairperson serving in such capacities on the effectivedate of this act shall continue serving as members and in such capacities,respectively, subject to the other provisions of this section.
(b) All members of the joint committee on information technologyshall serve for terms ending on the first day of the regular legislativesession in odd-numbered years. The joint committee shall organize annually andelect a chairperson and vice-chairperson in accordance with this subsection.On and after the first day of the regular legislative sessionin odd-numbered years, the chairperson shall be one of therepresentative members of the joint committee elected by the members of thejoint committee and the vice-chairperson shall be one of the senate memberselected by the members of the joint committee and,after the first day of the regular legislative session in even-numberedyears, the chairperson shall be one of the senate members of the jointcommittee elected by the members of the joint committee and thevice-chairperson shall be one of the representative members of the jointcommittee elected by the members of the joint committee. The chairperson andvice-chairperson of the joint committee shall serve in such capacities untilthe first day of the regular legislative session inthe ensuing year. The vice-chairperson shall exercise all of thepowers of the chairperson in the absence of the chairperson. If a vacancyoccurs in the office of chairperson or vice-chairperson, a member of the jointcommittee, who is a member of the same house as the member who vacated theoffice, shall be elected by the members of the joint committee to fill suchvacancy.
(c) A quorum of the joint committee oninformation technologyshall be six. All actions of the joint committee shall betaken by a majorityof all of the members of the joint committee.
(d) The joint committee oninformation technology may meet at anytime and at any place within the state on the call of the chairperson.
(e) The provisions of the acts contained in article 12 of chapter 46 of theKansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, applicable to specialcommittees shall apply to the joint committee on information technologyto the extent that the same donot conflict with thespecific provisions of this act applicable to the joint committee.
(f) In accordance with K.S.A. 46-1204 and amendments thereto, thelegislativecoordinating council may provide for such professional services as may berequested by the joint committee oninformation technology.
(g) The joint committee oninformation technology may introducesuch legislation as it deems necessary in performing its functions.
(h) (1) On the effective date of this act the joint committee oncomputers and telecommunications shall be and is hereby officially designatedas the joint committee on information technology.
(2) On and after the effective date of this act, whenever the jointcommittee on computers and telecommunications, or words of like effect, isreferred to or designated by a statute, contract or other document, createdbefore the effective date of this act, the reference or designation shall meanand apply to the joint committee on information technology.
(3) Nothing in this act shall be construed as abolishing or reestablishingthe joint committee on computers and telecommunications.
History: L. 1992, ch. 153, § 1;L. 1998, ch. 182, § 13;L. 1999, ch. 139, § 2; May 20.