46-2102. Same; powers and duties; annualreport.In addition to other powers and duties authorized or prescribed bylaw or by the legislative coordinating council, the joint committee oninformation technology shall:
(a) Study the use by state agencies and institutions of computers,telecommunications and other information technologies;
(b) review new governmental computer hardware and software acquisition,information storage, transmission, processing and telecommunicationstechnologies proposed by state agencies and institutions,and the implementation plans therefor, including all information technologyproject budget estimates andthree-year strategicinformation technology plans that are submitted to thejoint committee pursuant to K.S.A. 2000 Supp. 75-7210 and amendmentsthereto;
(c) make recommendations on all such implementation plans, budget estimatesand three-yearplans tothe ways and means committee of the senate and the committee on appropriationsof the house of representatives;
(d) study the progress and results of all newly implementedgovernmentalcomputer hardware and software, information storage, transmission, processingand telecommunications technologies of state agencies and institutionsincluding all information technology projects for state agencies which havebeen authorized or for whichappropriations have been approved by the legislature; and
(e) make an annual report to the legislative coordinatingcouncil asprovided in K.S.A. 46-1207 and amendments thereto and such special reports tocommittees of the house of representatives and senate as are deemed appropriateby the joint committee.
History: L. 1992, ch. 153, § 2;L. 1998, ch. 182, § 14; May 21.