46-912. Joint committee on special claims against the state; membership;appointment; chairperson; meetings; quorum.There is hereby established the joint committee on special claims againstthe state which shall have 13 members consisting offive membersof the senate and eight members of the house of representatives. Therepresentative members shall be appointed by the speaker, and the senatormembers shall be appointed by the senate committee on organization, calendarand rules. Not less than two representative membersand two senatormembers shall be attorneys licensed topractice law in the state of Kansas.Not less than one representative member shall be a member of the house committeeon appropriations and not less than one senatormember shall be a memberof the senate committee on ways and means. In the biennium commencing with theconvening of the regular session of the legislature in 1979, and in thebiennium commencing with the convening of the regular session of the legislatureeach four years thereafter, the chairperson of the joint committee shallbe a representative member designated by the speaker of the house of representatives.In the biennium commencing with the convening of the regular session ofthe legislature in 1981, and in the biennium commencing with the regularsession of the legislature each four years thereafter, the senate committeeon organization, calendar and rules shall designate a senator member tobe the chairperson of the joint committee. If a chairperson shall die, resignor otherwise be incapable of serving as chairperson for the full two-yearperiod, a successor shall be designated to fill the unexpired portion ofsuch period in the same manner as the original chairperson was selected.The members appointed from each house shall include minority party representationthereon. The joint committee shall meet in the interim between legislativesessions on the call of the chairperson as authorized by the legislativecoordinating council. Any seven members of the joint committee shallconstitute a quorum. Any action of such joint committeemay be taken by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present,if a quorum is present.
The provisions of article 12 of chapter 46 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated,and amendments thereto, applicable to special committees shall apply tothe joint committee on special claims against the state to the extent thesame do not conflict with the specific provisions of this act applicableto such committee.
History: L. 1978, ch. 203, § 1;L. 1985, ch. 178, § 1;L. 1987, ch. 196, § 3; Feb. 19.