46-915. Same; determination of claims;notification of claimant; recommendationsfor awards; introduction of bill, referral; determination of amount of award,guide; claim must be in writing, verified and acknowledged.The joint committee on special claims against the state shall makedeterminationof all claims submitted to it and a copy of its determinationand recommendations shall be submitted to the claimant within 20days after the joint committee makes its determination. Whenever the jointcommittee shall determine that the state should pay any amount to any claimantit shall recommend that an award be made in the amount so determined. Allrecommendations for awards shall be included in a bill or bills which shallbe introduced in the name of the joint committee in either house of thelegislature and referred to the committee on ways and means ofthe senate if introduced in the senate or the committee on appropriationsof the house if introduced in the houseof representatives for report and recommendations as on other billsreferred to it. In determiningamounts of awards for claims for injury, death and disability, the jointcommittee may use the workmen's compensation act as a guide, where applicable. No award shall be recommended for payment to any claimant unless the claimanthas submitted a written application therefor which has been verified bythe claimant and acknowledged before a notary public or other officer authorizedby law to administer oaths.
History: L. 1978, ch. 203, § 5;L. 1987, ch. 196, § 4; Feb. 19.