46-921. Same; authority for director of accounts andreports to makepayment on canceled state warrants; limitation; amount; source.The director of accounts and reports is authorized to makepayment to any claimant entitled thereto for a claim on a warrant which wascanceled under K.S.A. 10-811 and amendments thereto. Entitlement to claimpayment on a canceled warrant shall expire four years from the date ofcancellation. Any such payment shall be in the amount denoted on the canceledwarrant less 10% thereof not to exceed $30, whicheveramount is less. All claims under this section shall be paidfrom the canceled warrants payment fund under K.S.A. 10-812and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1980, ch. 254, § 2; L. 1983, ch. 53, § 2;L. 1990, ch. 318, § 1;L. 2005, ch. 44, § 1; July 1.