47-1001b. Application for market license; notice and hearing; removalof market to another location within county; notice; finding of commissioner or board.Upon the filing of such application, the commissioner shall conduct ahearing in accordance with the provisions of theKansas administrative procedure act. The commissioner shallserve notice and a copy of the application in accordance with the Kansasadministrative procedure act uponthe owners of all public livestock markets within afifty-mile radiusof the applicant's proposed location and within this state. Notwithstandingany other provisions of this act to the contrary, any holder of a marketlicense who is operating a public livestock market may move such market toother premises in the same county without securing a new license or filinga new application. However, the licensee shall give thecommissioner at least thirty days' notice of theremoval of the marketto such other location which notice shall include a legal description ofthe real estate and its exact location and a complete description of thefacilities to be used at such new location in connection with such publiclivestock market and the commissioner or board shall find that suchfacilities are adequate to permit the performance of the proposed marketservices.
History: L. 1965, ch. 333, § 3;L. 1984, ch. 313, § 77; July 1, 1985.