47-1004. Investigation, examination, inspection; hearing; suspensionor revocation of license.The commissioner may investigate, examine or inspect anytransaction or happening which may involve a violation or allegedviolation of this act or any rule and regulation or order lawfully issuedand promulgated by the commissioner thereunder. In the furtherance ofany such examination, investigation or inspection, the commissioner mayexamine that part of theledgers, books, accounts, memoranda or other documents, scales,measures, livestock and other articles and things used in connectionwith the business of such person relating to the transactions involved.
The commissioner shall hearthe parties in accordance with the provisions of the Kansasadministrative procedure act, to such complaint and after the conclusionof any hearing,the commissioner shall enter in the office of the commissioner at Topekaa decision, either dismissing such complaint or specifying the factsestablished on such hearing, and give notice thereof to the interestedparties. If the commissioner determines from thefacts specified that the licensee has violated any provisions of thisact, the commissioner shall, unless the offender has alreadymade reparation to theperson offended, suspend or revoke the license of the licensee.
History: L. 1937, ch. 262, § 4;L. 1984, ch. 313, § 80; July 1, 1985.