47-1005. Grounds for refusal, revocation or suspension of license.After a hearing, conducted in accordance with theprovisions of the Kansas administrative procedure act, the commissionermay refuse to grant a license, or suspend or revoke a license, upon afinding of the existence of any of the following facts:
(a) That any provision of this act, order or rule and regulationlawfully promulgated thereunder by the commissioner has been violated by thelicensee;
(b) that the licensee has knowingly received on consignment or sold at apublic livestock market any stolen livestock, or mortgaged livestockwithout authority of the lawful owner or mortgagee;
(c) that the licensee was guilty of fraud or deception in theprocurement of such license;
(d) that the licensee has violated the laws of the state, or officialregulations governing the interstate or intrastate movement, shipment ortransportation of any livestock;
(e) that the licensee fails to practice measures of sanitation,disinfection and inspection, as prescribed by law or by the commissioner,of premises used for yarding, stabling, housing or holding oflivestock; or
(f) that there has been failure to keep records required by thecommissioner or a refusal on the part of the licensee to produce records oftransactions in the carrying on of the business for which such license isgranted, or that the licensee selling livestock by weight fails or refusesto have livestock handled by such licensee weighed on scalesthat are regularlyinspected and tested for accuracy by duly authorized public authority orauthorities.
History: L. 1937, ch. 262, § 5; L. 1939, ch. 224, § 4; L. 1965,ch. 333, § 9;L. 1984, ch. 313, § 81; July 1, 1985.