47-1214. Declaration of construction; "refuse" defined.The provisions of this act shall be construed to apply to thetransportation upon public highways of carcasses and refuse, from packinghouses or other points of origin to disposal plants or substations. Theterm "refuse" as used in K.S.A. 47-1201 to 47-1220, inclusive, or anyamendments thereto, shall include offal, bones, suet and meat trimmings.The provisions of this act shall not apply to disposal plants operatingunder the supervision of the United States bureau of animal industry, meatinspection division, or those licensed by the secretary of health andenvironment, meat inspection division, and processing only packing houserefuse received from a packing house operated by the same person or groupupon contiguous premises.
History: L. 1943, ch. 198, § 14; L. 1951, ch. 319, § 1; L. 1975,ch. 462, § 57; July 1.