47-1218. Disposition of moneys received underarticle.(a) All moneys received by the livestock commissioner under article 12of chapter 47 of Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendmentsthereto, shall be remitted to the state treasurer inaccordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto.Uponreceipt of each suchremittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amountinthe state treasury to the credit ofthe animal diseasecontrol fund.
(b) On July 1, 1986, the director of accounts and reports shall transferall moneys in the animal health department fee fund to the animal diseasecontrol fund. On July 1, 1986, all liabilities of the animal health departmentfee fund are hereby imposed upon the animal disease control fund, and theanimal health department fee fund is hereby abolished.
History: L. 1943, ch. 198, § 18; L. 1973, ch. 2, § 25;L. 1986, ch. 197, § 3;L. 2001, ch. 5, § 170; July 1.