47-1503. Feedlot operator's license; fees;disposition of moneys.(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a feedlot within thestate of Kansas without having first obtained a license from thelivestock commissioner authorizing and permitting such operation.
(b) An operator of any feedlot in the state of Kansas, or a person desiringto operate a feedlot in the state of Kansas, shall obtain, from the livestockcommissioner, a license to operate a feedlot, unless exempted therefrom. Theowner or operator of any livestock feedlot, with a capacity of less than 1,000head of livestock, may apply for and obtain a license for feedlot operations,if such owner or operator chooses and elects to come under the terms andprovisions of this act, but the licensing for operations at a capacity of lessthan 1,000 head shall not be required.
(c) Application for a livestock feedlot license shall be filed with thelivestock commissioner, on a form prescribed and furnished by the commissioner.Upon the filing of such an application and payment of the requiredfees, the commissioner shall issue a livestock feedlot license to suchapplicant, provided the application discloses information assuring thecommissioner that the operation of such feedlot will be conducted inaccordance with the standards set forth elsewhere in this act, and withrules and regulations adopted by the commissioner.
(d) Feedlot licensesshall be issued for the term of one year, to expire on June 30 followingthe date of issuance. Feedlot licenses may be continued in force by annualrenewal or extension of such license with the payment of an annuallicense fee, and with continued compliance by the operator with theprovisions of this act, and acts amendatory of the provisions thereofand supplemental thereto, and rules and regulations adopted hereunder.
(e) Each feedlot operator, who shall begranted a license, shall pay a fee in an amount set by the Kansas animalhealth board and adopted by rules and regulations of the commissioner forsuch license and for annual renewal thereof, in accordance with and subject tothe following schedule of maximum fees:
Feedlot capacity
Maximum fee
Under 1,000 head.................$75
1,000 to 2,999 head.................$150
3,000 to 9,999 head.................$300
10,000 to 17,999 head.................$450
18,000 head and over.................$750 The fees established by this subsection on the day preceding the effectivedate of this act shall continue in effect until different fees are set asprovided under this subsection. (f) If an original feedlot license expires within six monthsafter date of issuance, only 50% of the applicable license feeshall be required. An application for feedlot license shall not beapproved, nor shall a license be issued to any applicant unless theapplication is accompanied by the applicable license fee under theschedule of fees in thissection. Each licensed feedlot operator shall pay an annuallicense fee in accordance with the schedule of fees in thissection and, upon payment of such fee and a showing of compliance with otherrequirements, shall be entitled to a renewal or extension of such operator'slicense for the ensuing license year. (g) The livestock commissioner shall remit all moneys receivedby or for the commissioner under article 15 of chapter 47 of Kansas StatutesAnnotated, and amendments thereto, to the state treasurer in accordance withthe provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, andamendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance,the statetreasurer shalldeposit the entire amount in the state treasury to the credit of theanimal disease control fund. History: L. 1963, ch. 287, § 3; L. 1970, ch. 207, § 1;L. 1973, ch. 2, § 27; L. 1980, ch. 156, § 6;L. 1986, ch. 197, § 5;L. 1991, ch. 152, § 18;L. 1993, ch. 167, § 6;L. 2001, ch. 5, § 171; July 1.