47-1506. Powers and duties of the livestock commissioner.The commissioner shall have the power to: (1) Receive applications forfeedlot licenses; (2) issue licenses to qualifying applicants; (3) makeand enforce reasonable regulations pertaining to the operation offeedlots, within the framework of the standards set forth in this act, and actsamendatory and supplemental thereto; (4) make rules of procedure for theadministration and enforcement of this act; and (5) determine adequatenessof the compliance with the requirements fixed in standards prescribed inthis act.
The commissioner shall have the duty to (1)Prepare, design and have printedapplication forms which shall be available to feedlot operators and toapplicants for such a license. Such forms shall provide for answers andstatements by applicants, to disclose whether such applicants can, and arecapable of complying with standards of operation set forth in this act, andas set forth in the regulations made by such commissioner under authorityof this act; (2) keep, maintain and compile all necessary records; and (3)undertake and carry through research studies, investigations and surveyswhich are needed and required for the proper administration of this act.
The commissioner shall have the power to call upon theuniversity of Kansas and Kansasstate university for aid and assistance in conducting such research studiesand surveys.
The commissioner, or authorized agents or employees, are authorizedto investigate all complaints concerning the operation of feedlots withinthe state of Kansas when an operator of such a feedlot is charged with anyviolations of the provisions of this act. The commissioner shall have thepower to enter upon feedlot premises and to investigate the methods ofoperation of all such feedlots.
The commissioner shall have the power and the duty to suspend or revokethe license of any feedlot operator, after a hearing, and after anadministrative determination that such an operator has violated, or hasfailed to comply with any of the provisions of this act, or any regulationadopted thereunder. The commissioner shall have the power andduty to reinstate any suchsuspended or revoked licenses, upon a satisfactory and acceptable showingand assurance that such feedlot operator conducted feedlot operations inconformity with, and in compliance with, the provisions of this act andregulations adopted thereunder, and that such conformity and compliancewill be continuous. A feedlot license shall not be suspended or revoked bythe commissioner, until charges have been submitted, in writing, concerningalleged violations, and until the licensee shall have been given anopportunity to be heard in such licensee's defense inaccordance with theprovisions of the Kansas administrative procedure act.
History: L. 1963, ch. 287, § 6;L. 1988, ch. 356, § 156; July 1, 1989.