47-1801. Payment for livestock purchased for slaughter; definitions.As used in this act, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, thefollowing words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them inthis section:
(a) "Livestock" means cattle, hogs, sheep, all creatures of the ratitefamily that are not indigenous to this state, including but not limited toostriches, emus and rheas or domesticateddeer;
(b) "slaughter" means killing livestock with the intent to process anddistribute the meat and by-products of such livestock, regardless of theperiod of time elapsing between the purchase and the killing of suchlivestock;
(c) "person" means any individual, firm, partnership, corporation orother organization or business entity;
(d) "payment by check" means the actual delivery of the check to theseller or the seller's representative at the location where the transfer ofownership is accomplished. In the case of "grade and yield" selling,"payment by check" means making the check available at the packing plant,subject to the instructions of the seller or the seller's representative;
(e) "wire transfer" means any telephonic, telegraphic, electronic orsimilar communication between the bank of the purchaser and the bank of theseller which results in the transfer of funds or credits of the purchaserto an account of the seller.
(f) "Domesticated deer" means any member of the family cervidae which waslegally obtained and isbeingsold or raised in a confined area for breeding stock; for any carcass, skin orpartof such animal; for exhibition; or for companionship.
History: L. 1975, ch. 279, § 1;L. 1993, ch. 143, § 7;L. 1994, ch. 79, § 7; July 1.