47-1802. Same; unlawful acts; payment by check, requirements; penalty. (a) Unless otherwise agreed to in writing between the owner and thepurchaser or their respective agent or representative for each transaction,it shall be unlawful for any person who purchases livestock for slaughter,whether acting individually or as an agent or representative of another, tofail or refuse to make payment by check or wire transfer of funds to theowner of such livestock, owner's representative, agent or assignee, forsuch livestock on the business day within which the ownership of saidlivestock is transferred within the state of Kansas, except that if thetransfer of ownership is accomplished after normal banking hours saidpayment shall be made in the manner herein provided not later than theclose of the first business day following the transfer of ownership. Forthe purposes of this section, where livestock is sold and purchased on a"grade and yield" basis, the transfer of ownership shall be deemed to haveoccurred on the day when the grade and yield is determined.
(b) Whenever payment for livestock purchased for slaughter is made bycheck, such check shall be drawn on a banking institution within the samefederal reserve district in which the transaction takes place, unlessotherwise agreed to in writing between the owner and the purchaser or theirrespective agent or representative.
(c) Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall bedeemed guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
History: L. 1975, ch. 279, § 2; July 1.