47-1806. Livestock dealer; records and accounts; denial of application orsuspension or revocation of registration, hearings.(a) Each livestock dealer shall keep records and accounts of alllivestock purchased for resale that are sufficient to enable thecommissioner to trace individual animals back to the herd of origin, to thepoint of destination or both. These records and accounts shall be kept fora minimum of two years after livestock were purchased for resale. Thecommissioner or the commissioner's employees or agentsmay examine the records and accounts during normal working hours.
(b) After notice and hearing in accordance with the provisions of theKansas administrative procedureact, the commissioner may deny any application forregistration or suspend or revoke any registration in force, if formalfindings are made that the person has failed repeatedly to maintain recordsand accounts that are sufficient to allow the commissioner to trace animalsback to the herd of origin, to the point of destination or both.
History: L. 1984, ch. 194, § 3;L. 1988, ch. 356, § 160; July 1, 1989.