47-2002. Kansas sheep council; members, officers, compensation.(a) There is hereby created the Kansas sheep council.
(b) The council shall consist of seven memberswho will be elected at the annual meeting of the Kansas sheep association. Theboard of directors of the Kansas sheep association shall act as interim councilmembers until council members can be elected and qualified.Vacancies which may occur shall be filled for unexpired terms by the board ofdirectors of the Kansas sheep association from among the producers of thestate. Each council member appointedon and after the effective date of this act, other than a council memberappointed to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term, shall be elected fora term of four yearsexcept that three of the council members first elected on and after theeffective dateof this act shall be elected for a term oftwo years. No member may serve more than one consecutive term.Upon the expiration of a term of a member of the council, such membershall continue to serve as a member of the council until a successor tosuch member is elected and qualified.
(c) Members of the council shall be residents of this state and have beenan active producer in this state for at least five years immediately precedingtheir appointment.Of such members, two members shall be lamb feeders, twomembers shall have ewe flocks, one member shall produce purebred sheep and twomembers shall be from producers at large. The selections shall be made fromnominations for each respective position by each respective producer group. Theelections will be held at an open session to all sheep producers at the annualmeeting of the Kansas sheep association.
(d) The dean of the college of agriculture of Kansas state university or thedean's representative and the secretary or the secretary's designee shall serveas ex officio nonvoting members of the board.
(e) The council shall annually elect a chairperson from its membership.
(f) A member of the council may cease to hold such member's position onthecouncil for any of the following reasons, at the discretion of amajority of the council, upon resolution duly adopted by the councildismissing such member: (1) Failure to attend two or more regularmeetings of the council; or (2) ceasing to be a producer.
(g) Members of the Kansas sheep council attending meetings of suchcouncil, or attending a subcommittee meeting authorized by suchcouncil, shall be paid compensation andother expenses.
(h) The council shall meetat least once every calendar quarter regularly and hold an annual meeting whichshall be open to the public.The day, time and place ofeach meeting shall be determined by the council. The chairperson or anythree members of the council may call special meetings of the councilupon such notice as may be prescribed by the duly adopted rules and regulationsof the council.
History: L. 1992, ch. 275, § 2; July 1.