47-2303. Same; powers and duties.In the administration of this act, the commission shallhave the following duties, authorities and powers:
(a) To conduct a campaign of dairy industry development, through research,educationand information;
(b) to accept grants and donations;
(c) to sue and be sued;
(d) to enter into such contracts as may be necessary or advisable for thepurpose of this act;
(e) to appoint an administrator who isknowledgeable about the dairy industry and fix the compensation.With the approval of the commission, theadministrator may appoint such other personnel as is needed;
(f) to cooperate or contract with any local, state or national organizationor agency, whether voluntary or created by the law of any state, or by nationallaw, engaged in work or activities similar to the work and activities of thecommission, and to enter into contracts and agreements with such organizationsor agencies for carrying on a joint campaign of research, education andpromotion;
(g) to establish an office of the administrator at any place in this statethe commission may select;
(h) to adopt, rescind, modify and amend all necessary and proper orders,resolutions and rules and regulations for the procedure and exercise of itspowers and the performance of its duties; and
(i) to approve an annual budget and establish a reserve. Eachproject budgeted and approved by the commission shall include a statedobjective and anticipated results. In the commission's annual report to theindustry, the commission shall include those objectives and actual results.
History: L. 1995, ch. 89, § 3; July 1.