47-2304. Assessments; receipts; refunds.(a) An assessment to be set by the commission at not more than.1 percent of the market price per hundred pounds of fluid milk produced andsold by asellershall be imposed on theseller at the time of delivery of the fluid milk to the purchaser who willdeduct theassessment from the price paid to the seller at the time of sale.
(b) The commission shall not change the assessment rate, either to increaseor reduce, more than once a year. The administrator shall furnish to everypurchaser receipt forms which shall be issued by such purchaser tothe seller upon payment of such assessment. The form shall indicate thereonthe procedure by which the seller may obtain a refund of any such assessment,except a refund shall not be issued unless the amount of the refund is $5 ormore. Within one year after any and all sales during such period the seller,upon submission of a request therefor to the administrator, may obtain suchrefund in the amount of the assessment deducted by the purchaser. Suchrequest shall be accompanied by evidence of the payment of the assessment whichneed not be verified.
(c) The commission shallkeep complete records of all refunds made under the provisions of thissection. Records of refunds may be destroyed two years after therefund is made. All funds expended in the administration of this act andfor the payment of all claims whatsoever growing out of the performanceof any duties or activities pursuant to this act shall be paid from theproceeds derived from such act.
History: L. 1995, ch. 89, § 4; July 1.