47-418. Branding; rules and regulations; identification brands for diseasecontrol purposes.Livestock may be branded in any way, or on any part of the animal,according to rules and regulations adopted by the commissioner, but livestockshall be branded so that they may bereadily distinguished should they become intermixed with other herds.Livestock brands for identification of cattle to control diseases may beplaced on the head or tailhead of the cattle. The letter "T" shall be usedon the left jaw, by hot iron, to identify tuberculosis reactors; the letter"V" may be used on the left jaw, by hot iron, to identifybrucellosis vaccinatedcattle; the letter "S" may be used on the left jaw or the tailhead, by hotiron, to identify brucellosis exposed or untested test eligible animals;the letter "F" may be used on the left jaw or the left tailhead, by hotiron, to designate heifers from B and C states as listed by the UnitedStates department of agriculture. No applications for livestock brands forowner identification shall be issued for head, neck or tailhead locations,and the head and tailhead locations for livestock brands shall be reservedfor brands for disease control purposes, except that head, neck andtailhead brands presently effective may have registration renewal upon termexpirations. No evidence of ownership of brands shall be recorded except asprovided in this act.
History: L. 1939, ch. 222, § 5; L. 1947, ch. 298, § 5; L.1961, ch. 254, § 1; L. 1980, ch. 154, § 1;L. 1988, ch. 186, § 2;L. 1989, ch. 156, § 1; July 1.