47-420. Unlawful use of brands; additional marking systems; feedlotbrands; permits, fees.(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to use any brand for branding anylivestock unless such brand has been dulyregistered in the officeof the livestock commissioner at Topeka,except: (1)The use of a single numeral digit (0 to 9) in conjunction with theregistered brand of the owner may be used, for the purpose of determiningthe age of the branded animal, such number to be applied at leastsixinches from such registered brand; (2) the use of serial numbersinconjunction with the registered brand of the owner may be used for thepurpose of identifying individual animals, such numbers to beapplied atleast six inches from the registered brand; (3) the use of numbers inconjunction with the registered brand of the owner may be used for thepurpose of identifying herds of the same owner for feeding or experimentalpurposes, such numbers to be applied at least six inchesfrom theregistered brand; and (4) the use of a digital system of branding livestockmaybe used for the purpose of identifying animals in a licensed feedlot. Suchfeedlot brand may be used in conjunction with the registered brand of theowner, such brand to be applied at least six inches fromsuch registered brand or may be used on animals which are not branded witharegistered brand of the owner, subject to conditions, limitations andrequirements applicable to the use of a feedlot brand as prescribed inK.S.A. 47-446, and amendments thereto. The age, serial, herd or feedlotbrand shall not beconstrued as a part of the registered brand, and the use of such numeral ornumerals in conjunction with a registered brand shall not be unlawful. Beforeany person usesany such serial orherd brand in conjunction with a registered brand, such person shallfirst obtain apermit from the livestock commissioner authorizing such use.
(b) The livestock commissioner is authorized to receive applications forpermits for such serial or herd brands and issue permits thereon. Allapplications for such permits shall be accompanied by a permit fee of $1.50. Nosuch fee shall berequired ifthe application for such permit is submitted in conjunction with anoriginal application for the registered brand or in conjunction with arequest for renewal of registration of a registered brand.
History: L. 1939, ch. 222, § 7; L. 1955, ch. 259, § 1; L. 1957, ch. 303, § 1;L. 1973, ch. 212, § 1; L. 1974, ch. 223, § 1;L. 1991, ch. 152, § 5; July 1.