47-424. Publication of handbook and supplements; exchanges, sale anddistribution.The commissioner shall from time to time cause to be published in bookform, a list of all brands and marks on record at the time of suchpublication. Such lists may be supplemented from time to time. Suchpublication shall contain a facsimile of all brands recorded, together withthe owner's name and post-office address. Said records shall be arranged inconvenient form for reference. The commissioner shall send, to the sheriffof each county, one copy of said brand book and supplement thereto, whichshall be kept as a matter of public record. The commissioner may exchangebrand books and supplements thereto with livestock brand commissioners anddirectors of other states, and with the executive officer of a statewideorganization of any other state which is charged with administration ofbrand laws of such state. The commissioner may make other distribution ofbrand books and supplements without charge, to Kansas licensedveterinarians and licensed public livestock market operators, when he deemssuch distribution desirable and an aid to the effective administration ofthe brand laws of this state. Said books may be sold to the general publicat a price to be determined by the commissioner which shall be based on thecost of printing, preparation and postage.
History: L. 1939, ch. 222, § 11; L. 1951, ch. 314, § 1; L. 1964, ch. 26, § 1(Budget Session); L. 1965, ch. 330, § 2; L. 1967, ch. 292, § 1; July 1.