47-433. Livestock brand emergency revolving fund; use; employmentof personnel; compensation.The livestock brand emergency revolving fund may be used to provide forthe compensation, subsistence and travel of emergency livestock brandinspectors and other necessary temporary employees and to provide forsuch transactions which demand immediate attention. Emergency livestockbrand inspectors and other needed personnel may be employed by thelivestock commissioner, Kansas animal health department, or by theassistant commissioner in charge of brands, on a temporary basis forservices in the establishment of the ownership of livestock which mayhave been mingled as a result of sudden or extreme storm conditions, orother unforeseen occurrences. Personnel employed under this act shall bein the unclassified service and shall be exempt from the provisions ofsubsection (b) of K.S.A. 75-2935, requirements of the civilservice law and processing by the division of personnel services [of] thedepartment of administration. Such revolving fund shall not be used topay any regular employees, or for current accounts, which are payablemonthly. Advanced payments may be made from such revolving fund by thecommissioner or assistant commissioner for subsistence and travel ofemployees and for other necessary emergency purposes when deemednecessary. A settlement, based on an approved accounting for anyadvance payments, shall be completed prior to the certification to thedirector of accounts and reports for payment of any compensation earned.The assistant commissioner shall comply with supplemental procedures asthe controller may require, but payments for services, subsistence andtravel from the livestock brand emergency revolving fund shall be madeby voucher method, showing periods of time worked.
History: L. 1959, ch. 25, § 2; L. 1972, ch. 199, § 1; L. 1978,ch. 345, § 8; July 1.