47-435. Same; petition; resolution of countycommissioners; basic brand inspection area designated; termination as area,procedure.(a) Whenever a petition is submitted to the board of countycommissioners, signed by not less than 51% oftheresident owners of cattle, as determined by an enumeration taken andverified for this purpose by a qualified elector of the county, requestingthat the county be designated a brand inspection area, it shall be the dutyof the board of county commissioners, within 10 days afterreceipt ofsuch petition, to make a determination as to the sufficiency of thequalifications and numbers of signers. If such petition isfoundsufficient the board shall adopt a resolution declaring the county a brandinspection area, and shall immediately file a certified copy of suchresolution with the livestock commissioner. In every case, the date offiling of the certified copy of the resolution of the board of countycommissioners declaring the county a brand inspection area with thecommissioner shall be the date the county shall qualify as a brandinspection area.
(b) Any and all counties which have been so designated as a brandinspection area, and which are adjacent to and contiguous with othercounties so designated, shall be and constitute a part of a basic brandinspection area. From and after the effective date of this act, thecounties of Hamilton, Kearny and Wichita shall be andare herebydesignated and declared to be a part of a basic brand inspection area.Such basic brand inspection area shall be subject to enlargement by theaddition of other contiguous counties.
(c) Whenever a petition is submitted to the board of countycommissioners, signed by not less than 51% oftheresident owners of cattle, as determined by an enumeration taken andverified for this purpose by a qualified elector of the county, requestingthat the county no longer be designated a brand inspection area and thatits status as a brand inspection area be terminated, it shall be the dutyof the board of county commissioners, within 10 days afterreceipt ofsuch petition, to make a determination as to the sufficiency of thequalifications and numbers of signers. If such petition isfoundsufficient the board shall adopt a resolution declaring that the county isno longer a brand inspection area, and shall immediately file acertified copy of such resolution with the livestock commissioner.Thereupon the county shall be terminated as a brand inspection area, butthe termination as a brand inspection area by a county within a basic brandinspection area shall not affect the existence of such basic brandinspection area as to the remaining counties therein.
History: L. 1959, ch. 228, § 2; L. 1963, ch. 285, § 1; L. 1969, ch. 258, § 9;L. 1996, ch. 90, § 6; July 1.