47-441. Same; unlawful to remove cattle from area withoutinspection certificate; exceptions.It shall be unlawful for any person in any brand inspection area,including the owner of cattle, the shipper, motor carrier, railroadcompany, other carrier or corporation, or the agent or servant of anysuch person, carrier or corporation, to move, drive, ship or transport,in any manner, any cattle from any point in a brand inspection area, toany point outside such area other than another brand inspection area,unless such cattle shall have first been inspected for brands by thestate livestock commissioner, thecommissioner's inspectorsor examiners, or some person deputized by thecommissioner to perform such inspection, unless such cattle areaccompanied by a brand inspection certificate. The livestockcommissioner and the commissioner's inspectors anddeputies may give permission for such movement of cattle withoutinspection when: (1) There is no change of ownership involved; or (2)shipment of such cattle is to a market where Kansas brand inspection ismaintained. No such inspection shall be required in any case where anysuch cattle are being moved from a feedlot the operator of which has beenlicensed pursuant to K.S.A. 47-1503 and amendments thereto. It shallbe unlawful for any motor carrier, railroad company or other carriertransporting any cattle from any brand inspection area to any marketto permit the owner, the shipper or the party in charge of cattle to changethe billing from consignation point to a point other than to a marketwhere Kansas brand inspection is maintained, unless such carrier has orfirst secures an authorized brand inspection certificate for such cattle.
History: L. 1959, ch. 228, § 8; L. 1965, ch. 331, § 2; L. 1977,ch. 189, § 1;L. 1989, ch. 156, § 9; July 1.