47-446. Feedlot brands; application; conditions.Feedlot brands may be lawfully applied to livestock which livestock arenot branded with a registered brand of the owner and which are in thecustody of, and upon the premises of, a feedlot operator licensed underthe provisions of article 15 of chapter 47 of the Kansas Statutes Annotatedand acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, subject to thefollowing conditions, limitations and requirements: (1) such feedlot brandshall not be construed as evidence of ownership identification; (2)livestock which are branded with a feedlot brand shall be held by thelicensed feedlot operator under quarantine upon said feed lot premisesuntil (a) released by said feedlot operator for movement to slaughter or(b) released by the livestock commissioner, or his authorizedrepresentative, by issuance of a permit authorizing such livestock to bemoved from the feedlot premises for grazing purposes; any such permit, ifissued, shall be subject to the requirement that such livestock, beforerelease from licensed feedlot premises, shall be branded with a registeredbrand of the owner of the livestock.
History: L. 1973, ch. 212, § 2; July 1.