47-611. Quarantine and other regulations; notice ofquarantine;proclamation by governor; enforcement; direction by governor; assistance of anystate agency.(a) When the commissionerdetermines that a quarantine and other regulations arenecessary toprevent the spread among domestic animals of any contagious or infectiousdisease, the commissioner shall notify the governorof such determination, and the governor shall issue a proclamationannouncing the boundary of such quarantine and the orders andrules and regulations prescribed by the commissioner, whichproclamation shall be published in the Kansas register, except that thecommissioner, if the area affected by the quarantine is limited inextent, may dispense with the proclamation of the governor and give suchnotice as the commissioner shall deem sufficient to make the quarantineeffective.
(b) Upon a determination by the governor that a quarantine or otherregulations are necessary to prevent the spread among domestic animals of anycontagious or infectious disease, the governor shall direct the commissioner toestablish a quarantine pursuant to this section.
(c) The governor may require and direct the cooperation and assistance of anystate agency in enforcing such quarantine or other regulationspursuant tosubsection (a) or (b).
(d) The commissioner shall establish such quarantineimmediately and shall give and enforce such directions, rules andregulations as to separating, isolating, handling and treating,feeding and caring for such diseased animals, animals exposed to thedisease and animals within the quarantine which have not beenimmediately exposed, as the commissioner deems necessaryto prevent those classes of animals from coming into contact with oneanother.
(e) The livestock commissioner or the commissioner'sdesignee is hereby authorized andempowered to enter any grounds and premises to carry out the provisions of thisact.
History: L. 1911, ch. 312, § 2;R.S. 1923, 47-611;L. 1981, ch. 324, § 15;L. 1989, ch. 156, § 17;L. 2001, ch. 163, § 1; May 17.