47-616. Same; right of indemnity.When any animal or animals are killed under the provisions of thisact by order of the commissioner, the owner of such animal oranimals shall be paid for such animal or animals suchproportion of the appraised value as fixed by the appraisement as provided bylaw. Theright of indemnity on account of animals killed by order of thecommissioner under the provisions of this act shall not extend: (a) Toanimals killed on account of rabies; (b) to the owner ofanimals which have been brought into the state in a diseased condition, orfrom a state, country, territory or district in which the disease withwhich the animal is infected or to which it has been exposed exists; (c) toany animal which has beenbrought into the state in violation of any law or quarantine regulationsthereof, or the owner of which has violated any of theprovisions of this act or disregarded any rule and regulation ororder of the livestock commissioner; (d) toany animal which came into the possession ofthe claimant with the claimant's knowledge that such animal was diseased orwas suspected of being diseased or of having been exposed to any contagiousor infectious disease; nor (e) to any animal belonging to theUnited States.
History: L. 1911, ch. 312, § 7; R.S. 1923, 47-616;L. 1989, ch. 156, § 20; July 1.