47-631. Rules for tuberculin test.(a) The livestock commissioner, whenever the livestock commissioner deems itnecessary, shall formulateand announce the rules under which the tuberculin test for tuberculosis indomestic animals shall be applied and for all proceedings subsequent to suchapplication:
(1) No tuberculin shall be used other than that furnished bythe United States government;
(2) no person other than one indicated for that purpose bythe livestock commissioner shall inject any tuberculin intoany animal in this state;
(3) all charts giving the temperature and conditionsexisting at the time the animal was tested, accompanied by a history anddescription of the animal, shall be submitted, immediately after thetest is made, to the state livestockcommissioner, who shall thereupon render an opinion thereon,which decision shall be final and shall be recorded in theoffice of the livestock commissioner.
(b) The state livestock commissionershall at once apply the quarantine and other regulations issuedunder the provisions of this act to animals found infected with tuberculosis.
History: L. 1911, ch. 312, § 22; L. 1915, ch. 351, § 1; L.1919, ch. 225, § 1; R.S. 1923, 47-631;L. 1989, ch. 156, § 31; July 1.