47-633a. Same; condemnation of herd; payment for animals condemned;appraisal animals.The livestock commissioner may order the condemnation of anentire herd of domestic animals when tuberculosis of any animal withinsuch herd has been diagnosed. In such event, the livestockcommissioner shall indemnify the owner of such herd in an amount not toexceed fifty percent (50%) of the difference between the salvage valueand the appraised value of the animals in the condemned herd. Suchpayment by the commissioner shall be from funds appropriated therefor, butin no event shall such payment exceed the sum offour hundred dollars ($400) per head for registered bovineanimals, the sum of two hundred dollars($200) per head for grade bovine animals. Suchcompensation shall not be paid, and the premises from which the herd wastaken shall not be restocked, until such premises have been cleaned anddisinfected and, subsequent thereto, have been inspected and approved bythe livestock commissioner, or his or her authorized representative.Appraisals of animals condemned shall be made by the livestockcommissioner, or his or her authorized representative, and by theowner. If said appraisers cannot agree, a disinterestedthird party, who has knowledge of livestock values in such locality,shall be selected as an arbitrator by the commissioner and the owner, atthe expense of the owner. The determination of values by said arbitratorshall be final.
History: L. 1969, ch. 259, § 2; L. 1978, ch. 206, § 2; April 6.