47-637. Cattle afflicted with fever; penalty for unlawful acts.No person or persons shall, between the first day of February and thefirst day of December of any year, drive or cause to be driven into orthrough any county or part thereof in this state, or turn upon or cause tobe turned or kept upon any highway, range, common or pasture within thisstate, any cattle capable of communicating or liable to impart what isknown as Texas, splenic or Spanish fever. Any person violating anyprovisions of this act shall upon conviction thereof be adjudged guilty ofa misdemeanor, and shall for each offense be fined not less than fivehundred dollars nor more than two thousand dollars, or be imprisoned in thecounty jail not less than thirty days and not more than one year, or byboth such fine and imprisonment.
History: L. 1885, ch. 191, § 1; L. 1891, ch. 201, § 1; Feb. 26; R.S. 1923,47-637.