47-653d. Hog cholera; destruction of swine; appraisal of animals.In order to prevent the spread of hog cholera, and to reduce the danger ofthe spread thereof, the livestock commissioner, orthe authorized representative of the livestock commissioner, maydestroy or require the destruction of any swine which the livestockcommissioner has determined to be affected with or exposed tohog cholera. Prior to such destruction there shall be an appraisal ofthe value of any swine, which shall be made jointly by the owner of suchswine and the livestock commissioner, or theauthorized representative of the livestockcommissioner. If the appraisers cannot agree, a disinterested thirdparty who has knowledge of livestock values in such localityshall be selected by the commissioner and the owner, at the expense of theowner, as an arbitrator. The arbitrator's determination of the value ofsuch swine shall be final.
History: L. 1969, ch. 263, § 1;L. 1989, ch. 156, § 41; July 1.