47-660. Right of entry to inspect and examine, when.The secretary of agriculture of the United States, authorized officersof the bureau of animal industry of such department, the state livestockcommissioner of Kansas and the authorized deputies of suchofficials shall have free access to enter upon the premises of any and allpersons who own or are in possession of domestic animals and free accessto inspect and examine all such domestic animals:
(a) Which are affected with any infectious or contagious disease; or
(b) which are suspected or reported to be affected with any infectiousor contagious disease; or
(c) which are located within any area which has been designated as atuberculosis modified accredited area or brucellosismodified accreditedarea by the secretary of agriculture of the United States, or by an officeror authority under the United States department of agriculture, animal planthealth inspection service, veterinary services or by the state livestockcommissioner; or
(d) which are within a herd that has been designated as accreditedtuberculosis free or accredited brucellosis free; or
(e) which are located upon the premises of an owner who has a herd ofdomestic animals which has been accredited as tuberculosis free or brucellosis free.
History: L. 1947, ch. 300, § 1;L. 1989, ch. 156, § 49; July 1.