47-666. Killing animals affected with vesicular exanthema; rightof indemnity.Whenever the livestock commissioner hasdecided that any swine is affected with vesicular exanthema and that it isnecessary to order the animals killed in order to prevent thespread of such disease in Kansas, the livestock commissionershall proceed with the appraisement, condemnation and killing of the sameas authorized under K.S.A. 47-614 and 47-615 and amendments to such sections.The owner of such diseased animals which have been so killed and disposedof shall be entitled to receive from the state of Kansas1/3 of the difference between the appraised value of theanimals and the salvage proceeds, if any, received by the owner from thedestruction and disposal of such animals.
The livestock commissioner shall draw a voucher upon thedirector of accounts and reports of the state of Kansas in favor of theowner of such diseased animals forthe amount of indemnity for which such owner is entitled,and the director of accounts and reportsis hereby authorized and directed to accept such vouchers so drawn by the statelivestock commissioner, suchamounts to be paid for out of the funds appropriated for such purposes.
History: L. 1953, ch. 258, § 1;L. 1989, ch. 156, § 50; July 1.