47-668. Certain acts concerning swine unlawful without prioraccreditation from commissioner.It shall be unlawful for any person to issue, use or circulate, anycertificate, advertisement, tag, seal, poster, letterhead, marking orcircular, written or printed, pertaining to swine which are intended forpropagation or sale, or which are sold or offered for sale, wherein thewords SPF accredited, SPF tested, Kansas SPF accredited, Kansas SPF tested,from SPF stock, or any similar words or phrases are used or wherein areused any signs, symbols, maps, diagrams, pictures, words or phrases, whichexpressly or impliedly state or represent that any swine comply with orconform to the SPF regulations and standards established by thecommissioner unless he shall first obtain accreditation from thecommissioner that such swine are specific pathogen free.
History: L. 1968, ch. 285, § 2; L. 1974, ch. 225, §2; July 1.