47-671. Unlawful acts concerning accreditation; penalties forviolations of 47-667 to 47-671.It shall be unlawful for any person to issue, make, use or circulate anySPF swine accreditation, or to report any swine as being SPF accredited,Kansas SPF accredited, SPF tested, Kansas SPF tested, from SPF stock, or toadvertise or to report any swine as having SPF accreditation without firsthaving obtained SPF accreditation for such swine. Any person who shallviolate any of the provisions of this act or any regulation or standardestablished and adopted by the commissioner, or who shall fail to complywith any provisions of this act or any regulation or standard adoptedhereunder, shall be deemed guilty of a class C misdemeanor. Each separateviolation shall be a separate misdemeanor.
History: L. 1968, ch. 285, § 5; L. 1974, ch. 225, §5; July 1.