47-841. Veterinarian not liable for good faith volunteer actions.(a) Any licensed Kansas veterinarian or licensed veterinarianresident of another state or in the District of Columbia who in good faith as avolunteer and without fee renders emergency care or treatment to ananimal shall not be liable in a suit for damages as a result of suchveterinarian's acts or omissions which may occur during such emergency care ortreatment, nor shall such veterinarian be liable to any animal hospital forsuch hospital'sexpense if under such emergency conditions such veterinarian orders an animalhospitalized or causes admission to such hospital.
(b) Any licensed veterinarian who in good faith renders or attempts torender emergency care at the scene of an accident or emergency to the humanvictim or victims thereof shall not be liable for any civil damages as aresultof any act or omission by such persons rendering or attempting to render theemergency care.
History: L. 1993, ch. 129, § 20; July 1.