47-853. Purpose of reporting impaired veterinarians; status ofentities conducting programs; antitrust immunity.(a) The legislature of the state of Kansas recognizes theimportance and necessity of protecting the public from impairedveterinarians to help insure the provision of quality veterinary services.The provisions of this act effectuate this policy.
(b) Veterinarians, review, executive or impaired veterinarian committeesperforming duties under this act for the purposes expressed in subsection(a) shall be considered to be state officers engaged in a discretionaryfunction and all immunity of the state shall be extended to such personsand committees, including that from the federal and state antitrust laws.
(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require veterinariansor review, executive or impaired veterinarian committees to be subject to orcomply with any other law relating to or regulating state agencies, officers or employees.
History: L. 1989, ch. 155, § 8; July 1.