48-3503. Coordination of acts of working group;duties.(a) The department of health and environment shall coordinateall acts performedby the members of the working group.
(b) The working group shall:
(1) Establish a support network among the members of the working group tofacilitate theefficient and timely completion of all acts to be performed by all affectedstate and localagencies;
(2) support the governor in the formulation of recommendations regarding thesiting of anational bio and agro defense facility in Kansas;
(3) serve as an information resource on the national bio and agro defensefacility,including, but not limited to, providing objective, scientific educationalmaterial on the nationalbio and agro defense facility, conducting workshops for state and localagencies, coordinatingcommunity outreach meetings, maintaining a website on the national bio and agrodefensefacility and performing such other tasks as to educate the public about thenational bio and agrodefense facility;
(4) identify the regulatory responsibilities for all aspects of the siting ofa national bio andagro defense facility;
(5) provide guidance to the department of homeland security regarding all state and localpermit processes;
(6) coordinate the exchange of information among all federal, state and localagenciesaffected by the siting of a national bio and agro defense facility in Kansas;
(7) identify available resources that may assist the department of homelandsecurity in thenational environmental policy act process; and
(8) facilitate the involvement of all affected state and local agencies inthe nationalenvironmental policy act process.
History: L. 2007, ch. 6, § 3; Feb. 22.