49-517. Same; rights not created; valuationdeterminations not subject to judicial review.(a) Nothing in this act shall create any property right or rightin action. The courtsshall have no jurisdiction to entertain any action against the trust, thesecretary or department of health and environment or the stateof Kansas, or any officer or agent thereof, founded on a claim that theclaimant should havereceived different or better treatment pursuant to this act.
(b) Determinations made by the trust pursuant to the assistance programprovided forby this act, including, but not limited to, determinations as to whatconstitutes the average rentalcost of comparable housing, the average cost of comparable properties, theeligibility of anyperson for assistance and the determination of the proper amount of suchassistance, if any, shallbe committed to the sole discretion of the trust based on the informationavailable to it andshall not be subject to judicial review.
History: L. 2007, ch. 17, § 7; July 1.