49-620. Same; bond forfeiture proceedings; satisfaction of operatorobligation to reclaim affected lands; use of proceeds to reclaim affectedlands.The attorney general, upon request of the commission, shallinstitute proceedings for forfeiture of the bond posted by an operator toguarantee reclamation of a site where the operator is in violation of any ofthe provisions of this act or any rule and regulation adopted by the directorpursuant to thisact. Forfeiture of the operator's bond shall fully satisfy all obligations ofthe operator to reclaim affected land covered by the bond. The director shallhave the power to reclaim, as required by K.S.A. 49-611, any surface mined landwithrespect to which a bond has been forfeited, using the proceeds of theforfeiture to pay for the necessary reclamation work.
History: L. 1994, ch. 197, § 20; July 1.