55-1604. Same; statement of claim, contents; filing, when and where;effect of failure to file.(a) A statement of claim may be filed by the owner of a mineral interestprior to the end of the twenty-year period specified by K.S.A. 55-1602 orwithin three years after the effective date of this act, whichever is later. Thestatement shall contain the name and address of the owner of the mineralinterest and a description of the land on or under which the mineral interestis located. The statement of claim shall be filed in the office of the registerof deeds of the county in which the land is located. Upon the filing ofthe statement of claim within the time provided, it shall be consideredthat the mineral interest was being used on the date the statement of claim was filed.
(b) Failure to file a statement of claim within the time prescribed bysubsection (a) shall not cause a mineral interest to be extinguished ifthe owner of the mineral interest filed the statement of claim within 60days after (1) publication of notice as prescribed by K.S.A. 55-1605, if suchnotice is published or (2) within 60 days after receiving actual knowledgethat the mineral interest had lapsed, if such notice is not published.
History: L. 1983, ch. 185, § 4; July 1.