55-1628. Same; powers and duties.The board shall have the following powers and duties, to:
(a) Administer and enforce the provisions of this act;
(b) establish an office for the board within the state of Kansas;
(c) elect a presiding officer and any other officers that may be necessary todirect the operations of the board;
(d) employ personnel as shall be deemed necessary to carry out the provisionsof this act;
(e) administer the oil and gas resources fund;
(f) approve or disapprove the budget of the board;
(g) adopt rules as the board deems necessary to carry out the provisions ofthis act;
(h) enter into contracts or agreements for studies, research projects,experimental work, supplies or other services to carry out the purposes of thisact; and to incur those expenses necessary to carry out such purposes. Acontract or agreement entered into under this subsection shall provide that:
(1) The person entering the contract or agreement on behalf of the boardshall develop and submit to the board a plan or project together with a budgetthat shows estimated costs to be incurred for the plan or project; and
(2) the person entering the contract or agreement shall keep accurate recordsof all such person's transactions, account for funds received and expended andmake periodic reports to the board of activities conducted and other reportsthat the board may require;
(i) keep accurate records of all financial transactions performed pursuant tothis act. Such records shall be audited annually by an independent auditor andan annual report shall be compiled;
(j) accept and deposit into the oil and gas resources fund donations, grants,contributions and gifts from any public or private source; and
(k) keep an accurate record of all assessments collected.
History: L. 2006, ch. 94, § 4; July 1.