55-1632. Same; refunds, request procedure.(a) Any person subject to the assessment levied byK.S.A. 2009 Supp.55-1631,and amendments thereto, may request a refund as provided in this section of theassessment paid on production for the preceding calendar year. Upon compliancewith the provisions of this section and rules adopted by the board to implementthis section, the board shall refund to each person requesting a refund theamount of the assessment paid by or on behalf of the person during thepreceding calendar year. Refunds made shall include interest earned at the rateequal to the average United States treasury bill rate of the preceding calendaryear as certified by the state treasurer.
(b) The request for a refund of the assessment paid on production for thepreceding calendar year shall be made before the end of the third calendarmonth following the calendar year for which the refund is requested. Failure torequest a refund during this period shall terminate the right of any person toreceive a refund for the assessment paid on production for the precedingcalendar year. The board shall give notice of the availability of the refundthrough press releases or another means the board deems appropriate.
(c) Each person requesting a refund shall execute an affidavit showing theamount of refund requested and demonstrating that the affiant was the owner ofthe production and such other matters as the board reasonably requires forwhich the refund is requested. The board may verify the accuracy of the requestfor refund prior to issuance of such a refund.
(d) No person requesting a full refund of all assessmentsimposed under this act shall be eligible toserve or have a representative serve as a member of the board.
History: L. 2006, ch. 94, § 8;L. 2007, ch. 119, § 4; July 1.