56-1a156. Filing certificate.(a) The original signed copy of the certificate of limited partnership, anycertificates of amendment or cancellation and any judicial decree of amendmentor cancellation shall be delivered to the secretary of state. A person whoexecutes a certificate as an agent or fiduciary shall not be required toexhibit evidence of the person's authority as a prerequisite to filing. Unlessthe secretary of state finds that any certificate does not conform to law, uponreceipt of all filing fees required by law, the secretary of state shall:
(1) Certify that the certificate of limited partnership, certificate ofamendment, certificate of cancellation or judicial decree of amendment orcancellation has been filed in the secretary of state's office by endorsingupon the original certificate the word "Filed" and the date and hour ofthe filing; in the absence of actual fraud this endorsement is conclusiveof the date and time of its filing;
(2) record the endorsed certificate in an electronic medium; and
(3) return the original document certified as a true copy of the recordeddocument, to the person who filed it or that person's representative.
(b) The certificate of limited partnership shall be amended as provided in acertificate of amendment or decree of amendment upon the filing of thecertificate of amendment or judicial decree of amendment in the office of thesecretary of state or upon the future effective date specified in thecertificate of amendment or judicial decree of amendment. The certificate oflimited partnership is canceled upon the filing of a certificate ofcancellation or a judicial decree of amendment in the office of the secretaryof state, upon the future effective date specified in the certificate ofcancellation or a judicial decree or as specified in this act.
(c) The fee required by K.S.A. 56-1a605, and amendments thereto, shall bepaid at the time of the filing of a certificate of limited partnership, acertificate of amendment or a certificate of cancellation.
(d) The fee required by K.S.A. 56-1a605, and amendments thereto, shall bepaid for a certified copy of any paper on file pursuant to this act, and thefee fixed pursuant to K.S.A. 56-1a605, and amendments thereto, shall be paidfor each page copied.
History: L. 1983, ch. 88, § 13;L. 2004, ch. 143, § 97; Jan. 1, 2005.