56a-405. Actions by partnership andpartners.(a) A partnership may maintain an action againsta partner for a breach of the partnership agreement, or for theviolation of a duty to the partnership, causing harm to thepartnership.
(b) A partner may maintain an action against thepartnership or another partner for legal or equitable relief, withor without an accounting as to partnership business, to:
(1) Enforce the partner's rights under thepartnership agreement;
(2) enforce the partner's rights under this act,including:
(i) The partner's rights under K.S.A. 56a-401, 56a-403or 56a-404;
(ii) the partner's right on dissociation tohave the partner's interest in the partnership purchased pursuantto K.S.A. 56a-701 or enforce any other right under article 6 or 7;or
(iii) the partner's right to compel adissolution and winding up of the partnership business underK.S.A. 56a-801 or enforce any other right under article 8; or
(3) enforce the rights and otherwise protect theinterests of the partner, including rights and interests arisingindependently of the partnership relationship.
(c) The accrual of, and any time limitation on, a rightof action for a remedy under this section is governed by other law.A right to an accounting upon a dissolution and winding up does notrevive a claim barred by law.
History: L. 1998, ch. 93, § 24; Jan. 1, 1999.