58-1402. Same; design and constructionstandards.(a) Except as provided by this act, dwellings shall be designedand constructed to have at least one accessible entrance on an accessibleroute. If the entrance is served by a ramp, the ramp shall have a maximum slopenot to exceed a ratio of one inch rise to every 12 inch horizontal run andshall have a level landing at the top and bottom of each run.
Accessible entrance doors and doorways shallhave a minimum clear opening of 32 inches. The accessible entrance maybe any entrance at the front, side, back or garage of the dwelling that isserved by an accessible route.The accessible route shall be no less than 36 inches wide with a slope not toexceed a ratio of one inch rise to every 20 inch horizontal run.If a patio door serves as an accessibleentrance, a standard six-foot sliding patio door assembly shall be deemed to besufficient to comply with the requirements of this subsection.The threshold of suchdoors shall not exceed 1/2 inch or, in the case of a sliding door, 3/4 inch.
(b) All doorways located on the same floor on which the accessible entranceis located within the dwelling intended for user passage within the dwellingshall be sufficiently wide to allow passage by persons using wheelchairs.Except for doors serving closets having less than 15 square feet in area, alldoors located on the same floor on which the accessible entrance is locatedwhich are intended for user passage shall provide a minimum 32-inch clearopening with the door open 90 degrees measured between the face of the door andthe doorstop.
(c) An accessible route located on the same floor on which the accessibleentrance is located shall be designed and constructed in such a manner that a36-inch wide route is provided with a slope not to exceed a ratio of one inchrise to every 20 inch horizontal run. Such route shall have ramped or beveledchanges at door thresholds. Beveled edges of such thresholds shall not exceed1/2 inch or, in the case of a sliding door, 3/4 inch.
(d) In bathrooms located on the same floor on which the accessible entranceis located, the walls at the bathtub, shower and toilet shall be reinforced sothat grab bars may be installed at a later date, if needed. Such reinforcementshall be sufficient enough to support a sheer force of 250 pounds.
(e) Light switches, electrical outlets, thermostat controls and othercontrols located on the same floor on which the accessible entrance is locatedshall be placed so that a person using a wheelchair can access the controlsusing either a forward or sideward approach. Such controls shall be placed noless than 15 inches nor more than 48 inches from the floor in the case of aforward approach. Such controls shall be placed no less than nine inches normore than 54 inches from the floor in the case of a sideward approach. Ifmultiple controls serve the same elements, only one need be accessible.
History: L. 2002, ch. 175, § 2; July 1.