58-214. Filing copies of notices, proof of publication and otherpapers with county clerk; evidence.Copies of the notices required by this act, and proof of thepublication, posting or giving thereof, and an affidavit of the mechanic,artisan, tradesman, carrier or other bailee, or some competent agent orwitness in his or her behalf, setting forth the claim and the actual expensesof the publication and sale, shall be filed and kept in the county clerk'soffice of the county where the sale takes place, and the same or copiesthereof duly certified by such clerk shall be received as presumptiveevidence of the matters therein contained.
History: G.S. 1868, ch. 58, § 9; L. 1872, ch. 142, § 9; March 21; R.S. 1923,58-214.