58-2011. Report of survey, filing; filing of reportsrelating toaltered or destroyed markers; reproduction of survey records; fees; land surveyfee fund created.(a) Whenever a survey originates from a United States public land surveycorner or any related accessory, the land surveyor shall file a copy ofthe report of the completed survey and references to the corner or accessorywith thesecretary of the state historical society and with the county surveyor forthe county or countiesin which the survey corner exists. If there is no county surveyor of suchcounty, such report shall be filed with the county engineer. If there is nocounty engineer, such report shall be filed in the office of the county roaddepartment. Reports filed with the secretary of the state historical societymay be filed and retrieved using electronic technologies if authorized by thesecretary. Such report shall befiled within 30days of the date the references are made. At the time of filing such reportwith the secretary of the state historical society, the land surveyor shallpay a filing fee inan amount fixed by rules and regulations of the secretary ofthe state historical society.Fees charged for filing and retrieval of such reports may be billed and paidperiodically.
(b) Any person engaged in an activity in which a United States publicland survey corner or any related accessory is likely to be altered, removed,damaged or destroyed shall have a person qualified to practice land surveyingestablishsuch reference points as necessary for the restoration, reestablishment orreplacement of the corner or accessory. The land surveyor shall file areferencereport with the secretary of the state historical society and with thecounty surveyor for thecounty or counties in which the survey corner exists. Such report shall befiled within 30 days of the date the references are made. At the time offiling such report with the secretary of the state historical society, theland surveyor shallpay a filing fee in an amount fixed by rules and regulations of thesecretary of the state historical society.
(c) Upon completion of the activity likely to alter, remove, damage ordestroy the public land survey corner or related accessory, the land surveyorshall review the survey corner and its accessories. If the surveycorner or any accessory has been altered, removed, damaged or destroyed,the land surveyor shall replace the corner or accessory with a survey monumentand file a restoration report with the secretary ofthe state historical society and the countysurveyor in the county or counties in which it existed. If the survey cornerand accessories are not damaged during the activity, a restoration reportso stating shall be filed with the secretary ofthe state historical society and county surveyor'soffice. Such report shall be filed within 30 days after the activity iscompleted. At the time of filing such report with the office of the secretaryof the state historical society the land surveyor shall pay a filing fee inan amount fixed byrules and regulations of the secretary of the state historical society.
(d) Failure to comply with the filing requirements of this section shallbe grounds for the suspension or revocation of the land surveyor's license.
(e) The secretary of the state historical society may produce,reproduce and sell maps, plats,reports, studies and records relating to land surveys. The secretary ofthe state historical society shall charge a fee in an amount to be fixed byrules and regulationsof the secretary for the furnishing of information retrieved from recordsfiled pursuant to this section and for reproductions or copies of maps,plats, reports, studies and records filed in such office.
(f) All moneys collected by the secretary ofthe state historical society under the provisionsof this section shall be remitted to the state treasurerin accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215,and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of each suchremittance, the state treasurer shalldepositthe entire amount in the state treasury. Twenty percent of each such depositshall be credited to the state general fund and the balance shall be creditedto the land survey fee fund, which is hereby created.All expenditures from such fund shall be made in accordance with appropriationacts upon warrants approved by the secretary ofthe state historical society or a person designatedby the secretary of the state historical society and shall be used only forthe purpose of payingthe costs incurred in administering the provisions of this act.After the effective date of this act, any reference to the secretary ofstate in regard to appropriations to the land survey fee fund shall bedeemed to refer to the secretary of the state historical society.
(g) The failure of any person to have a land surveyor establish referencepoints as required by subsection (b) shall be a class C misdemeanor.
History: L. 1982, ch. 133, § 6; L. 1984, ch. 205, § 1;L. 1988, ch. 301, § 15;L. 1999, ch. 27, § 3;L. 2001, ch. 5, § 201; July 1.